Play and Earn Economy

Depending on their needs, players can choose different roles in-game.

Guild Owners/ Investors

NFT Land -> Build Castles

Land can be purchased to build castles and house guild members. The larger the guild land, the more members it can house and hence higher collective battle power. There will be correspondingly higher in-game rewards rate.

NFT Land guild owners get a share of the upcoming launchpad revenues. These may be thought of as yield-bearing NFTs. They are also entitled to any launchpad IGO whitelisting projects in the Glory Lands ecosystem. How these are distributed among members are entirely up to guild members and their systems.

NFT Land -> Food Stores

Food and beverage stores can be built on top of land. Food and beverage are sources of power-ups for avatars and pets. Players purchase these items in exchange for gold (which can be exchanged for $GLORY tokens) or purely $GLORY tokens. There will be an upkeep amount of gold for "ingredients" at a profitable rate. Guilds may choose to operate their own stores for a sustainable economy in which dividends can be distributed to incentivize members.

Casual Players / Everyone

Apart from playing the game elements, there are a variety of ways to earn:

  • Token staking at the Bank - which allows a APR% return and chance to win air-drops

  • PVP tournament prize pools which consists of mix of ticket entries $GLORY and game sponsored rewards

  • PVP Ante mode: players may choose to bet their NFT pets in battle. This will be an additional option in line of risk-rewards Game Theory principle.

  • Casual players may also choose to level up their NFT pets and avatars to sell/ rent them in the marketplace.

  • Pet Breeding: there is an additional element of pets breeding which players may particpate in defined seasons in a year. This opens up possibilties for gameplay and aftersales market for NFTs


  • Farming-inclined players may choose to farm for in-game items and consumables and sell them in the marketplace. This includes key things such as HATCH and BREED potions, and NFT equipments

  • Providing liquidity pairings for the Defi bank in-game.

  • Farmer NFTs can be purchased which unlock higher yield rates to farming.

Last updated